Monday, January 6, 2014


The featured products at my shop for the month of January are Cigar Box Kaleidoscopes.  To the best of my knowledge, these are the only Cigar Box Kaleidoscopes on the market today. Used, empty cigar boxes are used to build an Image Wheel kaleidoscope using copper plumbing pipe for the housing of the front surface mirrors, and a revolving image wheel.  I collect empty cigar boxes from friends and neighbors, as well as stopping in cigar stores on travels. Surprisingly, most cigar stores are happy to see such boxes used in a productive way.
I try to use as wide a variety of types of cigar boxes as I can find for the kaleidoscopes – looking at color, writing, labels, shapes, etc. Several dozen Cigar Box Kaleidoscopes have been crafted and sold over the years, and there are currently 15 listed on my etsy site. Cigar Box Kaleidoscopes comprise about 10% of the kaleidoscopes I craft each year. Here is a link to a couple of the current Cigar Box Kaleidoscopes for sale:

What is it that you like about the Cigar Box Kaleidoscopes? Love to hear your thoughts.

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